Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sometimes, Imagination isn't enough....

I just realized how crazy long it’s been since I updated the blog…oops! Rest assured it’s not from lack of material!

Life has been pretty darn busy over the past few months, and I’m guessing that’s going to be a common theme until Small 3 is deposited at college in 15 years. I swear, I’m going to sleep for a month once the kids have all moved out.

In the meantime, I’ll have to settle for being jolted awake at random times by the crazy things my darling offspring are wont to do. You know, thing like discovering that Small 1 and Small 2 are leading Small 3 around with Baby Dinosaur’s leash, pretending that he’s their dog. Being the attentive parent that I am, I generously allowed them to carry on with their little game, until I heard them locking Small 3 in Baby Dinosaur’s crate. The pitiful whines that floated down the hallway were realistic enough to make me wonder for a second if Small 2 had found yet another abandoned animal and hidden it in her dresser (um, don’t ask how I know that frogs absolutely CANNOT survive in a drawer full of socks and underwear). Small 1 and Small 2 were given a little talk about the appropriateness of caging their baby brother, regardless of how tempting it might seem. I released Small 3 from the crate, expecting to get a tear-filled hug. Instead, the little darling stomped his foot, put his hands on his hips and indignantly informed me that I had ruined their game. He proceeded to tell me that he was a very naughty doggy, and needed to be in time out because he had eaten a roll of toilet paper (a common occurrence with Baby Dinosaur, but that’s another post…). I left them to their game, but a niggling suspicion had festered in the back of my mind, and sure enough, when I checked the Small’s bathroom, their toilet paper roll had a ring of tiny little teeth marks all around it. Not content to merely imagine that he was a naughty dog, my youngest had actually attempted to consume a roll of toilet paper. Lovely.